For Android Users please Download the 'Sedcol' app in the Google play store In the app you do not need to resize your photos as the app automatically does it

Dear Student. The information captured on this page is to verify your banking details in the College Database.
If you feel uncomfortable to verify you details in this manner you need to come to the college to have your details verified before the NSFAS allowance can be paid to you, or you may ask to your SRC to validate the authenticity of this website.

Identity Number

Student Number

Cellphone Number

Password / Verification Code (Sent to you in the SMS)

Bank Name

Account Type

Account Holder Surname + Initials

Account No

* * * Large Images take loooong to upload! * * *

NOTE: If the webpage crashes it is an indication that your files are to large for you internet UPLOAD speed, even if they are below the upload size limit.

Hint: If the Webpage keeps on crashing try re-starting your phone.

NOTE: To reduce a picture's size go to the Google Play store and search for: resize pictures

Upload picture / copy of ID Document (Max File Size = 1.0 MB) Allowed Image Types (jpg, png)

Upload picture/copy of Bank statement (Max File Size = 1.0 MB) Allowed Image Types (jpg, png)

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Version: 2024-07-26C